What are some tips for making a good presentation?

A presentation is a speech or talk in which you show and explain an idea, a new product or a piece of work to an audience. Giving a presentation is therefore one of the most important leadership skills everyone needs to learn. Yes, you are certainly a leader in your own field of specialization: you certainly need the presentation skill in order to communicate your ideas with clarity and charisma.

To make a good presentation, you have to first identify the purpose of the presentation and the audience to whom you’re going to give the presentation. Are you going to show and explain an idea, a new product, or a piece or work to the audience? Is your presentation meant to inform, educate, entertain, persuade, or inspire your audience? Or is it meant to solve certain challenges? What is the topic of your presentation? These are the fundamental questions you need to answer at the first stage of your planning and preparation. This first stage is concerned with brainstorming and generating ideas for the presentation.

In brainstorming, you jot down the ideas as they naturally occur to you. Having jotted down all the ideas occurring in your mind, coupled with the ideas you get from other relevant sources, you have to create an outline that spells out the structure of your presentation, the main points you will discuss, and how you’re going to discuss them. The following are essential features of a good presentation:


A. Greet the audience

B. Introduce yourself

C. State your topic

D. Specify your purpose and outline your key points

E. Mention the time and procedure for taking questions from the audience


A. Discuss the key points one by one

B. Use transitional words and phrases as you move from one idea to a new section of the presentation

C. Elaborate on arguments and ideas

D. Provide supporting evidence

E. Show images and graphics where necessary


A. Indicate you’re about to round off

B. Re-emphasize your key points

C. Sum up

D. Move on to Questions and Answers.

For a more detailed audiovisual explanation of the tips for making a good presentation, watch the following video lectures:





There are many different ways to make money online through writing if you start off as a content marketer. Content marketing is a marketing approach that uses the consistent creation and distribution of valuable content as a way of attracting and retaining a clearly defined target audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action. In content marketing, you offer useful content, educate the audience about your products and services, showing them what is in it for them.

You have to start by offering free useful content, thereby putting the customer’s interest first. In the process, you earn their trust and make them develop a strong desire for your content. This will culminate in their decision to buy your digital products, such as eBooks, podcasts, audiobooks, online courses, and so forth. That’s how content marketing works.

You can create a website and use it to lay the foundation of your content marketing business. There are many online marketing channels you can use to earn money through content writing and content marketing. They include the following:

  1. Blogging
  2. Email marketing
  3. Social media marketing
  4. Search engine optimization (SEO)
  5. Google AdSense
  6. Webinars
  7. YouTube Channels
  8. Podcasting
  9. Infographics
  10. Forums
  11. Affiliate marketing
  12. eBooks
  13. Coaching and consulting
  14. Freelance writing
  15. Online courses

The following eBooks will give you further insight into how to make money writing online:

For a detailed explanation of how to make money writing online, watch the following video lectures:

Are you interested in making extra income online by completing simple tasks? Click HERE


 To start with, it’s necessary to choose a definite career in order to achieve success in what you’re doing. There’s nothing wrong with being interested in many things; however, you certainly need to discover the one that you’re capable of doing best in.

The following steps are necessary for choosing your ideal career if you really want to achieve success in it:

1. DISCOVER YOUR GIFT Your Gift is the Catalyst to Your Career Success!

You need to discover your gift or talent – that is your God-given ability to do something exceedingly well. This is important because your talent is the foundation that will facilitate your progress in whatever you’re doing. You may ask: how do I discover my talent? The truth is that your maker who gave you the talent(s) does not keep you in the dark about such life-defining gifts: He has given you several clues that will lead you to self-discovery. If you are in the dark, ask Him.

Your Career Must Match Your Personality!

Discover your personality type, which is essentially made up of your talents and your interests or passion. Choose your ideal career, which is the type of career that corresponds with your personality type. This is important because it has been discovered from several studies that doing what you love to do, and what you are naturally gifted to do, is more likely to lead to greater productivity and overall career success than pursuing a career in a strange field that you’re not really interested in. It is equally important to make sure that the career you are pursuing is really marketable within the socio-economic environment within which you find yourself.

Your Dream Determines Your Destiny!

The next critical step to career success is to define your precise purpose. Ask yourself: What is precisely the purpose of my life? What is my real purpose in doing what I am doing? Of course, everything on earth was created to serve its definite purpose. Therefore, there must be a purpose to your life. This purpose is precisely why you were born. You must define your purpose and start acting in the manner that truly serves the purpose of your life. If you don’t know the purpose of your life, you will end up abusing your opportunity to live.

Fail to Plan and You Plan to Fail

Once you have discovered your life purpose, you’ve taken a significant step towards career success. Discovering your purpose gives you the mental picture of what you want for your life. This picture engages your mind and produces in you the dream you want to realize; it gives you the passion to start working towards achieving that dream. At this juncture, you must take the next wise step to avoid laboring in vain. You have to produce a plan for achieving your purpose.

Planning is the process of thinking about and organizing the activities necessary for achieving a desired goal. Purpose and planning must work hand in hand for success to be achieved. Without planning, purpose cannot be achieved. You must be clear about what you want to achieve: that is purpose. You must also be clear about what you have to do in order to achieve it: that is planning.

Self-Development Enhances Productivity!

The importance of skill acquisition in career development cannot be overemphasized. In today’s competitive environment, it is not enough to be intellectually qualified for a position in an organization. You must develop yourself by acquiring skills that will enable you to function effectively in that position.

Bring Value into the Marketplace and You Get Paid

If you choose to pursue a career as an entrepreneur, for example, you need to turn your ideas into products or services. This is quite critical to your personal success, because this is when you actually bring value into the marketplace in order to get paid. A product is defined as a set of benefits offered for exchange and can be tangible (a physical object) or intangible (a service). In whatever field you have chosen to pursue your career, you must bring some value into the marketplace if want to get paid.

Success is Never Achieved without Sales

We have learnt that providing a product or service is the key element of business success. You need to position yourself well in the market by ensuring that your product is excellent both in content and packaging. This is exactly what will place you on the high road to great sales and profitability. Marketing is critical to career success, whether you’re producing products or rendering services. Your focus should be on how to attract customers and start making the much desired sales. If you’ve learnt skills capable of providing solutions to people’s problems, you need to market your skills to attract clients or employers as the case may be. You must learn the principles and strategies you can use to achieve this.


While you take all the necessary steps towards achieving success in your career, you must be guided by certain principles that both facilitate and sustain career success. These principles are like the roots which are the hidden support for the tree. Don’t forget that although the roots are hidden, yet without them there would be no tree, and certainly no fruits. Principles are moral rules or beliefs about what is right or wrong, that influence how a person behaves. The principles you have or lack combine to form your character. Yes, character is a combination of traits and qualities distinguishing the individual nature of a person. As the roots provide support and nutrients to enable the tree to bear fruits, so character supplies the energy that fuels the capacity to take action. The actions you take and the results they produce (success or failure) are the visible fruits. On the other hand, character is the root; it is not visible and therefore is often ignored, yet it is the real force that influences the way you behave, the actions you take or fail to take and so forth. Thus, character is the root of career success.

If you’d like to gain full insight into the importance of career choice and how to achieve success in your chosen career, you can obtain a downloadable copy of THE BLUEPRINT FOR AMAZING CAREER SUCCESS by clicking on this link:

For a detailed audiovisual discussion on the real keys to achieving amazing career success, you may watch the following video lectures:




Content creation is the act of expressing your ideas, information, or knowledge in a piece of writing, video clips, etc. Content, which is your actual ideas or information, can be created in various forms (expository, descriptive, narrative, and persuasive), produced in various formats (books, eBooks, articles, blog posts, video clips, DVDs, podcasts, etc.), and presented on various platforms (social media, websites, and blogs, YouTube, eCommerce sites, etc.), Today, content creation as an industry is worth billions of dollars. This industry is vast and it offers a myriad of opportunities to everyone who desires to become a content creator.

A content creator undertakes the ideation and creation of useful content aimed at connecting a brand or entity to its prospective audience. The business of content creation includes creating, maintaining and updating websites, blogging, copywriting, article writing, videography, social media posts, infographics, eBooks, and the creation and distribution of other types of digital products that provide value and connect you to your target audience. Thus, content creation is the act of creating content for online (and offline) marketing purposes. It involves research on a wide range of topics that will provide information to a target audience. A content creator needs to find his or her niche in creating one or a number of types of content that will best engage with the target audience and successfully promote a product or service.

To achieve success in content creation, you must learn how to incorporate certain important qualities into your content. The following are a few of them:

1. Audience Appeal: Good content should present an idea that captures people’s attention, an idea that appeals to the target audience. In other words, good content should provide solutions to other people’s problems or give satisfactory answers to their questions.

2. Originality of Ideas: It should be unique and original, an idea created by you. Mindless lifting of other people’s ideas renders a piece of writing fake and substandard. Originality of ideas not only helps you to avoid plagiarism or copyright infringement, but also gives authenticity to your content.

3. Clarity and Focus: It should discuss a single clear central idea. It should not raise so many issues without zeroing in on a specific idea. By creating content that is clear and focused, you are capable of grabbing the audience’s attention and retaining it.

4. Organization: The entire piece of writing should be organized logically: the ideas being expressed should flow smoothly and “stick” together. To achieve this, it should have a definite structure, such as an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. This will ensure that your content is coherent and conveys a central message that flows naturally from one related idea to the other.

5. Development: The central idea (thesis) of the write-up should have supporting ideas that should be discussed in several paragraphs. The idea of each paragraph should be explained and illustrated with examples and supporting details.

6. Expression: The language used should be accurate and appropriate to the type and purpose of writing: i.e. the appropriate register. In other words, you should use proper words in proper places. You must use concise and clear language

7. Linguistic Correctness: You must adhere to the rules of correctness in grammatical concord, tense, tense, punctuation and capitalization, etc.

8. Political Correctness: It should be free from racial, religious, or gender bias. Any material that smirks of racism, religious fanaticism, or gender bias is not good content for presentation on any platform.

The moment you’re satisfied that you can express your ideas in a manner that will be helpful to your target audience, you can start creating content. You can start with writing articles and submitting them to various platforms. First, choose the formats, and then choose the platforms where you want to showcase your writing skills. Create good content and package them as examples to your prospective clients or customers. Take note that whatever content you create and present will show your prospective customers the type of expertise you’re capable of providing.

The following eBooks will give you greater insight into this important and lucrative field:

If you want to learn more about content creation, the following video lectures:

Are you interested in earning extra money online by completing simple tasks? Click HERE


How can I become a good content writer?

To become a content writer, you need to develop your writing skills. If you want to pursue a career in content writing, you need to write well in English – you should be able to write good articles, blog posts, etc. A good content writer should know how to incorporate certain essential qualities in their content. The following are some of them:

1. Audience Appeal: Good content should present an idea that captures people’s attention, an idea that appeals to the target audience. In other words, good content should provide solutions to other people’s problems or give satisfactory answers to their questions.

2. The originality of Ideas: It should be unique and original, an idea created by you. Mindless lifting of other people’s ideas renders a piece of writing fake and substandard.

3. Clarity and Focus: It should discuss a single clear central idea. It should not raise so many issues without zeroing in on a specific idea.

4. Organization: The entire piece of writing should be organized logically: the ideas being expressed should flow smoothly and “stick” together. To achieve this, it should have a definite structure, such as an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

5. Development: The central idea (thesis) of the write-up should have supporting ideas that should be discussed in several paragraphs. The idea of each paragraph should be explained and illustrated with examples and supporting details.

6. Expression: The language used should be accurate and appropriate to the type and purpose of writing: i.e. the appropriate register. You must use concise and clear language

7. Linguistic Correctness: You must adhere to the rules of correctness in grammatical concord, tense, tense, punctuation and capitalization, etc.

8. Political Correctness: It should be free from racial, religious, or gender bias. Any material that smirks of racism, religious fanaticism, or gender bias is not good content for presentation on any platform.

The moment you’re satisfied that you can express your ideas in a manner that will be helpful to your target audience, you can start creating content. You can start with writing articles and submitting them to various platforms. First, choose the formats, and then choose the platforms where you want to showcase your writing skills. Create good content and package them as examples to your prospective clients or customers. Take note that the content you’ve already written and presented will show your prospective customers the type of expertise you’re capable of providing.

If you’re interested in an audiovisual explanation of how to become a content writer and earn money from content writing, watch the following video lectures:

The following eBooks will give you greater insight into this important and lucrative field:

Are you interested in earning extra money online by completing simple tasks? Click HERE


You may possess great ideas and skills, laudable dreams, and passion, but none of them can give you the desired financial freedom unless you take two key steps: 1. Turn your ideas into products, and 2. Market and promote your products to other people.

In an online-based global economy, content writing is an effective tool for monetizing your ideas. As a content writer, there are so many ways in which you can turn your ideas and skills into products, and market them in order to earn money. That’s what this article is about. Let’s get started.

Definition of some Key Terms:
1. Digitizing/Digitization: To digitize means to convert something, such as data or image, to digital form (i.e. electronic or computer-readable form). Thus, digitization is the process of converting information into a digital or computer-readable format. 

2. Digital Products: A digital product is any product that comes in digital form (i.e. electronic or computer-readable form). Examples of digital products are eBooks, audiobooks, audio music, recorded lectures, videos, software, templates, photos, graphics and digital art, documents, courses, web-based applications, and so forth. 

3. Digital Marketing/Marketer: Digital marketing is the type of marketing that uses the internet and online-based digital devices like computers, phones, etc. to promote products and services. Someone who sells digital products is a digital marketer.

4. Monetizing/Monetization: To monetize something is to earn revenue from it. It is to utilize something of value as a source of profit or earnings. Monetizing or monetization is simply the act of utilizing something of value as a source of income or profit. 

There are many ways in which you can start monetizing your content writing skills:

1. Create a Blog: You can create a blog and use it to post your ideas, your thoughts, your analyses, or your stories. A blog is a way to express your thoughts and teachings online. Initially, the blog can be a way to learn new things about your writing skills. As you learn, practice, and remain focused and consistent, you will be able to start monetizing your skills easily. To learn more about blogging, you may want to get a copy of Blogging Basics for Beginners by BrightstareBusiness. 

2. Establish an Online Magazine or News Blog: You can start an online magazine or news blog. Pick a topic for your magazine. Conduct research to find out if there is a market for your idea, and then come up with your magazine title. Starting a magazine or news blog is a very lucrative way to monetize your writing skills. If you don’t have the means to own a website, you can find an online platform where you can start a small blog, to begin with. 

 3. Become an Article Contributor: There are many websites that will publish your articles and pay you according to the number of readers who read them. You can start contributing articles to such sites as a part-time income-earning venture. 

4. Become a Freelance Writer: As a freelance writer, you can have access to many different opportunities: there are many platforms where you can start earning income through writing. You may start it as a hobby, and then build it into a full-time venture. Freelance Writing on the Side by Joshua Slone is perhaps one book you need if you want to discover the secrets of success in freelance writing. 

5. Become an Editor: If you a good writer with sound knowledge of English grammar, you can become an editor and start earning money on various platforms where people require the services of an editor. There are people who are so busy that they have no time to edit their numerous works. You can earn money by reading their books etc., editing/proofreading them, and giving feedback. If you lack full knowledge about editing, you may want to get a book that will help you update your knowledge, such as The Little Book of Editing for Writers by Ravenscourt Press.

6. Create eBooks: Creating eBooks is one of the best ways to monetize your writing skill, especially if you are capable of doing detailed research and writing long texts. There are many online publishing platforms where you can self-publish your works and earn revenue from them. You can even publish and market your own eBooks directly. One of the best online publishing platforms where you can self-publish and earn money is I have personally published so many books on Amazon and I can tell you it’s quite easy to publish on that platform. If you want to learn more about this, you may want to watch my previous video lesson on How to Make Money on Amazon through Self-Publishing. You can create your own eBooks and start making money through them if you’re able to get the appropriate software, such as the Ultimate eBook Creator.

7. Start Affiliate Marketing: This is a process by which you earn a commission for marketing a company’s products. There are many online platforms that offer opportunities for affiliates to earn money by promoting other people’s products. You simply search for a product you like, then promote the product and earn profit from each sale made through you. With content writing, you can do exceedingly well in promoting various products and services and earning handsome commissions as an affiliate marketer. Such platforms have traceable links to show which sales were made through your affiliate marketing campaigns. You get a link to promote that product on your blog or on social media. If someone clicks on your special link – and buys – you get a commission.  •You can check out various platforms where you can earn money through affiliate marketing, such as Amazon AssociatesFiver Affiliate Program, etc.  •If you’re interested in learning more about affiliate marketing and how it can help you to monetize your content writing skills, you may have to get a copy of Super Affiliate Marketing Strategy.

The following eBooks will give you greater insight into this important and lucrative field:

If you’re interested in an audiovisual explanation of how to digitize and monetize your content and skills, watch the following video lectures:

Are you interested in earning extra money online by completing simple tasks? Click HERE


 What should I do to get rid of addictions?

Addiction is a critical problem that has destroyed many lives in various parts of the world. It’s a problem that still holds most people in its grips today. Some are addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, pornography, video games, smoking, etc.  Many people have the desire to overcome their addiction, and they have tried to rely on their willpower to regain their freedom. Certainly, overcoming addiction requires something more than mere desire or willpower. 

Getting rid of addictions truly requires coming to a point of decisive decision, and then taking certain critical steps towards complete freedom. First, you have to stop belittling the problem and its capacity to destroy human destiny. Of course, the first step to take in order to treat a disease is to diagnose it. Accurate diagnosis leads to accurate treatment. So, you have to diagnose it, get the right prescription, and then administer the right treatment.

For a detailed discussion of the subject, watch the following video lesson entitled ADDICTION AS A DESTROYER OF HUMAN DESTINY: HOW TO WIN THE WAR:


  (Here’s an Audiovisual Lecture on Learn The 8 Pillars Of Content Creation And How They Really Work: ). Conte...