Content creation is the act of expressing your ideas, information, or knowledge in a piece of writing, video clips, etc. Content, which is your actual ideas or information, can be created in various forms (expository, descriptive, narrative, and persuasive), produced in various formats (books, eBooks, articles, blog posts, video clips, DVDs, podcasts, etc.), and presented on various platforms (social media, websites, and blogs, YouTube, eCommerce sites, etc.), Today, content creation as an industry is worth billions of dollars. This industry is vast and it offers a myriad of opportunities to everyone who desires to become a content creator.
A content creator undertakes the ideation and creation of useful content aimed at connecting a brand or entity to its prospective audience. The business of content creation includes creating, maintaining and updating websites, blogging, copywriting, article writing, videography, social media posts, infographics, eBooks, and the creation and distribution of other types of digital products that provide value and connect you to your target audience. Thus, content creation is the act of creating content for online (and offline) marketing purposes. It involves research on a wide range of topics that will provide information to a target audience. A content creator needs to find his or her niche in creating one or a number of types of content that will best engage with the target audience and successfully promote a product or service.
To achieve success in content creation, you must learn how to incorporate certain important qualities into your content. The following are a few of them:
1. Audience Appeal: Good content should present an idea that captures people’s attention, an idea that appeals to the target audience. In other words, good content should provide solutions to other people’s problems or give satisfactory answers to their questions.
2. Originality of Ideas: It should be unique and original, an idea created by you. Mindless lifting of other people’s ideas renders a piece of writing fake and substandard. Originality of ideas not only helps you to avoid plagiarism or copyright infringement, but also gives authenticity to your content.
3. Clarity and Focus: It should discuss a single clear central idea. It should not raise so many issues without zeroing in on a specific idea. By creating content that is clear and focused, you are capable of grabbing the audience’s attention and retaining it.
4. Organization: The entire piece of writing should be organized logically: the ideas being expressed should flow smoothly and “stick” together. To achieve this, it should have a definite structure, such as an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. This will ensure that your content is coherent and conveys a central message that flows naturally from one related idea to the other.
5. Development: The central idea (thesis) of the write-up should have supporting ideas that should be discussed in several paragraphs. The idea of each paragraph should be explained and illustrated with examples and supporting details.
6. Expression: The language used should be accurate and appropriate to the type and purpose of writing: i.e. the appropriate register. In other words, you should use proper words in proper places. You must use concise and clear language
7. Linguistic Correctness: You must adhere to the rules of correctness in grammatical concord, tense, tense, punctuation and capitalization, etc.
8. Political Correctness: It should be free from racial, religious, or gender bias. Any material that smirks of racism, religious fanaticism, or gender bias is not good content for presentation on any platform.
The moment you’re satisfied that you can express your ideas in a manner that will be helpful to your target audience, you can start creating content. You can start with writing articles and submitting them to various platforms. First, choose the formats, and then choose the platforms where you want to showcase your writing skills. Create good content and package them as examples to your prospective clients or customers. Take note that whatever content you create and present will show your prospective customers the type of expertise you’re capable of providing.
The following eBooks will give you greater insight into this important and lucrative field:
- Secrets of Digitizing and Monetizing Your Skills
- How to Become a Content Writer
- How to Turn Your Ideas into Products
If you want to learn more about content creation, the following video lectures:
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