About this Blog

This is My Official Blog for Content Writing, Content Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Digital Marketing, Online Courses, etc.

About the Blogger

Hi, I’m Benjamin Abugu. A University Graduate with English Language as major course of study, I taught English and Literature-in-English at senior secondary schools, rising to the position of principal. I've written and published 8 English books (paperback) that are being used in various schools across the country. I've also written and published 11 eBooks that are currently live on Amazon.com:https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/bookshelf?language=en_US . As a creative content writer, with years of experience in content creation and content marketing, I started this blog to create a platform where writers, readers (for writers are readers!), entrepreneurs, etc. can find good resources and where we can interact, work together and achieve our respective goals.

The best way to learn something is to start doing it. Nothing really happens for you until you awaken the sleeping giant in you, get up and get started.

Nothing is impossible until you conclude that it is. All skills are learnable, so even if you don’t know what to do or how to get started, it’s possible you can learn from those who know. For those we call experts today were novices like us yesterday. Two things separate the expert from the novice: the willingness to learn and the belief that it’s possible!

If only you can believe, all things are possible to those who believe.
The Good Lord (Luke 9:23).

My Publications

1. The Widow And The Wolves (2006).
2. All that Glitters is not Gold (2010).
3. The Mysterious Survivor (2014).
4. The Bread of Deceit (2014).
5. Searching for Roots (2015)
6. Good Success in English Comprehensive Workbook for Senior Secondary Schools 1 (2015).

7.Good Success in English Comprehensive Workbook for Senior Secondary Schools 2 (2017).
8. Good Success in English Comprehensive Workbook for Junior Secondary Schools (2018).



Let’s build something together!

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  (Here’s an Audiovisual Lecture on Learn The 8 Pillars Of Content Creation And How They Really Work:  https://youtu.be/pdEIoKn3y7U ). Conte...