To become a content writer, you need to develop your writing skills. If you want to pursue a career in content writing, you need to write well in English – you should be able to write good articles, blog posts, etc. A good content writer should know how to incorporate certain essential qualities in their content. The following are some of them:

1. Audience Appeal: Good content should present an idea that captures people’s attention, an idea that appeals to the target audience. In other words, good content should provide solutions to other people’s problems or give satisfactory answers to their questions.

2. The originality of Ideas: It should be unique and original, an idea created by you. Mindless lifting of other people’s ideas renders a piece of writing fake and substandard.

3. Clarity and Focus: It should discuss a single clear central idea. It should not raise so many issues without zeroing in on a specific idea.

4. Organization: The entire piece of writing should be organized logically: the ideas being expressed should flow smoothly and “stick” together. To achieve this, it should have a definite structure, such as an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

5. Development: The central idea (thesis) of the write-up should have supporting ideas that should be discussed in several paragraphs. The idea of each paragraph should be explained and illustrated with examples and supporting details.

6. Expression: The language used should be accurate and appropriate to the type and purpose of writing: i.e. the appropriate register. You must use concise and clear language

7. Linguistic Correctness: You must adhere to the rules of correctness in grammatical concord, tense, tense, punctuation and capitalization, etc.

8. Political Correctness: It should be free from racial, religious, or gender bias. Any material that smirks of racism, religious fanaticism, or gender bias is not good content for presentation on any platform.

The moment you’re satisfied that you can express your ideas in a manner that will be helpful to your target audience, you can start creating content. You can start with writing articles and submitting them to various platforms. First, choose the formats, and then choose the platforms where you want to showcase your writing skills. Create good content and package them as examples to your prospective clients or customers. Take note that the content you’ve already written and presented will show your prospective customers the type of expertise you’re capable of providing.

If you’re interested in an audiovisual explanation of how to become a content writer and earn money from content writing, watch the following video lectures:

The following eBooks will give you greater insight into this important and lucrative field:

Secrets of Digitizing and Monetizing your Content Writing Skills

Secrets of Digitizing and Monetizing your Content Writing Skills

Although you possess the knowledge, ideas, or skils with which you can offer products and services to other people, you may not be able to make money from them unless you take some practical steps, namely: 1. Turn your ideas into products, and 2. Market and promote your products to other people.

In today’s information-driven and increasingly online-based global economy, content writing is an effective tool for monetizing your ideas and achieving amazing career success. All things online begin with writing content. If you’re a great writer, you can use that skill to find ways to make extra money.

However, when we talk about content writing, it’s not restricted to professional writers. You may be a restaurant owner, a music teacher, a copywriter, a health worker, an insurance provider, or a shop manager, yet you can boost your business through content writing. How? You can market your products and services by writing compelling content and letting your target customers know what makes your brand unique. By so doing, you will have an edge over your competitors by attracting the attention of your target customers and winning their patronage.

Becoming a professional writer attracts even greater dividends. Writing is no longer the job of a person who writes novels, plays, poems, or newspaper reports; writing is now multifaceted. A writer can now be seen as a content creator who may work in different fields and create content for various platforms. Writing has different genres and can be produced in different formats and presented on different platforms. So, if you want to become a content writer, you need to understand that the ways in which you can make money from your talent and skills are legion. That is exactly what this webinar is all about: we want to explore the Secrets of Digitizing and Monetizing your Creative Content Writing Skills.

Let’s start by defining some basic terms:

Digitizing/Digitization: To digitize means to convert something, such as data or image, to digital form (i.e. electronic or computer-readable form). Thus, digitization is the process of converting information into a digital or computer-readable format. For example, five of my novels that are in printed forms and are being read in various schools can be described as paperbacks. They are products of traditional or print publishing. Having published these same novels as eBooks on Amazon, I have digitized them, because the entire book is now in electronic or computer-readable form. Similarly, your articles, essays, short stories, poems, drama texts, books, etc. can easily be digitized.

Digital Products: A digital product is any product that comes in digital form (i.e. electronic or computer-readable form). It is any item that can be electronically stored in a file or many files. In a nutshell, any product you can sell online is a digital product. Examples of digital products are eBooks, audiobooks, audio music, recorded lectures, videos, software, templates, photos, graphics and digital art, documents, courses, web-based applications, and so forth.

Digital Marketing/Marketer: Digital marketing is the type of marketing that uses the internet and online-based digital technologies such as computers, mobile phones, and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services. Someone who sells digital products is a digital marketer.

Monetizing/Monetization: To monetize something is to earn revenue from it. It is to utilize something of value as a source of profit or earnings. Monetizing or monetization is simply the act of utilizing something of value as a source of income or profit. Take social media for example. You can monetize social media through digital marketing or affiliate marketing: you earn money by promoting your own digital products or other people’s products. You can monetize your knowledge and ideas by converting your writings to digital formats and selling them on various online platforms, such as blogs, websites, social media, YouTube, etc.

Multiple Ways of Monetizing your Content Writing Talent and Skills

There are many ways in which you can start monetizing your content writing skills:

Create a Blog

You can create a blog and use it to post your ideas, your thoughts, your analyses, or your stories. A blog is a way to express your thoughts and teachings online. Initially, the blog can be a way to learn new things about your writing skills. As you learn, practice, and remain focused and consistent, you will be able to start monetizing your skills easily. To learn more about blogging, you may want to get a copy of Blogging Basics for Beginners by Brightstar eBusiness. 

Establish an Online Magazine or News Blog

You can start an online magazine or news blog. Pick a topic for your magazine. Conduct research to find out if there is a market for your idea, and then come up with your magazine title. Starting a magazine or news blog is a very lucrative way to monetize your writing skills. If you don’t have the means to own a website, you can find an online platform where you can start a small blog, to begin with.

Become an Article Contributor

There are many websites that will publish your articles and pay you according to the number of readers who read them. You can start contributing articles to such sites as a part-time income-earning venture.

Become a Freelance Writer

As a freelance writer, you can have access to many different opportunities: there are many platforms where you can start earning income through writing. You may start it as a hobby, and then build it into a full-time venture. Freelance Writing on the Side by Joshua Slone is perhaps one book you need if you want to discover the secrets of success in freelance writing.

Become an Editor

If you a good writer with sound knowledge of English grammar, you can become an editor and start earning money on various platforms where people require the services of an editor. There are people who are so busy that they have no time to edit their numerous works. You can earn money by reading their books etc., editing/proofreading them, and giving feedback. If you lack full knowledge about editing, you may want to get a book that will help you update your knowledge, such as The Little Book of Editing for Writers by Ravenscourt Press.

Create eBooks

Creating eBooks is one of the best ways to monetize your writing skill, especially if you are capable of doing detailed research and writing long texts. There are many online publishing platforms where you can self-publish your works and earn revenue from them. You can even publish and market your own eBooks directly. One of the best online publishing platforms where you can self-publish and earn money is I have personally published so many books on Amazon and I can tell you it’s quite easy to publish on that platform. If you want to learn more about this, you may want to watch my previous video lesson on How to Make Money on Amazon through Self-Publishing. You can create your own eBooks and start making money through them if you're able to get the appropriate software, such as the Ultimate eBook Creator.

Start Affiliate Marketing

This is a process by which you earn a commission for marketing a company’s products. There are many online platforms that offer opportunities for affiliates to earn money by promoting other people’s products. You simply search for a product you like, then promote the product and earn profit from each sale made through you. With content writing, you can do exceedingly well in promoting various products and services and earning handsome commissions as an affiliate marketer. Such platforms have traceable links to show which sales were made through your affiliate marketing campaigns. You get a link to promote that product on your blog or on social media. If someone clicks on your special link – and buys – you get a commission.

You can check out various platforms where you can earn money through affiliate marketing, such as Amazon AssociatesFiver Affiliate Program, etc.

If you’re interested in learning more about affiliate marketing and how it can help you to monetize your content writing skills, you may have to get a copy of Super Affiliate Marketing Strategy.

Turn your Ideas into Products and Start Selling your own Digital Products

You can create new digital products from the content you’ve created, such as articles, book manuscripts, reports, research papers, short stories, etc. You can write new content, turn your ideas into eBooks, and make them available in various online marketplaces as well as your own blog or website. For more information on how to do this, you may want to watch my video lecture on Turning your Ideas into Products.

Guest Blogging

In guest blogging, you have your blog post on someone else’s blog.  There are places that pay for guest blogging. All you need to do is read the blog content and understand their style of writing. You will also find out their payment process and other policies before you sign up. Some blogs pay for traffic, so if your post gets lots of views or shares, you’ll get paid accordingly.

Publish Books and other Educational Materials for Schools

This is a very lucrative way to monetize your creative content writing skills. You can write short stories, handbooks, workbooks, past-questions-and-answers pamphlets, handouts, etc. and sell them to schools. Personally, l have published 8 books (5 novels and 3 curriculum-based workbooks) that are being used in various schools across the country. So it is a sure way to monetize your creative content writing skills even offline.

Offer Online Tutorials

Another way you can monetize your creative content is by offering online tutorials. You can start up your own online tutorials, or you can use wells established platforms like Udemy where you can submit prepared lessons and start earning money from them. To teach on Udemy, you can use the following link to access the Udemy website, learn more about the platform, sign up if you become convinced, and then adhere to their policies and instructions, and earn money by teaching on Udemy.

Resources for exploring more platforms where you can monetize your creative content writing talents and Skills:

  1. Turning your Ideas into Products.
  2. Ten Steps in Writing a Novel.
  3. How to Publish your own Book Easily.
  4. Social Media Marketing by Steven Cooper.
  5. Fiverr Affiliate Program
  6. The 12-Minute Affiliate System on Clickbank.
  7. The Email Marketer’s Game Plan.





















Key Things You Need to Know as a Content Marketer So You Can Create Focused, Attention-Grabbing Content that convinces Your Audience


1.        Audience Appeal

Your content should present an idea that captures people’s attention, an idea that appeals to the target audience. Knowing your audience is the most important part of creating content. Knowing your audience or target customers will enable you to determine your product or service from the customer’s point of view.

2.        Specialized Content with a Purpose

In today’s content-saturated global platforms, there is no room for any content creator presenting whatever they feel might be good just to have some content out there. You have to create specialized content with a purpose. To become an effective content marketer, you must ensure that you create content that achieves a definitely useful purpose. This cannot be done by assumption: you need to understand your audience or target customers and focus on the content they need and want. This is obvious, given the fact that if you are writing content for everybody you are writing content for nobody. For example, Adeel Chowdhry, an experienced marketer created INCREADIBLE SQRIBBLE BENEFITS as part of a promo package for Sqribble: Here, the content is specifically projecting the very things that will help the audience or target customers achieve their purposes.

3.        Value-focused Content

One major economic law that must guide you as a content marketer is that no one gets paid until they bring value into the marketplace. So you need to be focused and have an eye for quality. Apart from identifying the pain points of the audience, you have to put yourself in the shoes of the audience and sincerely understand their needs. By indentifying their pain points, you’ll be able proffer solutions and communicate with them appropriately. When your content provides real value, it keeps your audience coming back and it wins their trust and eventually their patronage.

4.        Personalized Content

 One of the questions you must ask yourself repeatedly whenever you’re creating content is: Does this content speak personally to someone? Or does it meet the specific need of a specific person? You must look at the content from the perspective of your audience or target customers.


5.        Engaging and Omni Channel Content

To succeed in retaining your audience you must produce content that consistently engages with them across various channels such as website, social media, messaging apps, online forums, and so forth. You need to keep tabs on which channels are most important to your audience.  By analyzing customer engagement, you’ll be able to create customized content that will not only engage with them but will also likely convert prospective customers into active buyers. Your success in content marketing depends largely on your ability to manage content distribution across all the channels where your customers spend the most time.

Apart from the five critical qualities of good content discussed above, there are many others, which will discover in greater detail in my 8 Pillars of Content Creation:

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  (Here’s an Audiovisual Lecture on Learn The 8 Pillars Of Content Creation And How They Really Work: ). Conte...