(Here’s an Audiovisual Lecture on Learn The 8 Pillars Of Content Creation And How They Really Work: https://youtu.be/pdEIoKn3y7U).

Content creation is one of the most effective marketing techniques today. It helps you to promote your brand, connect with your target audience, win their trust, and ultimately convert your prospective customers into active buyers. By creating valuable content you provide answers to their frequently asked questions, offer solutions to their problems, and ultimately establish yourself as an expert in your chosen field. In other words, the effectiveness of content creation as a marketing technique largely depends on the quality of the content you create. To achieve success in content creation, you must learn certain important qualities that are required to make it really work. In this article, you’ll learn the right pillars of content creation and how they really work.

1. Audience Appeal: Good content should present an idea that captures people’s attention, an idea that appeals to the target audience. In other words, good content should provide solutions to other people’s problems or give satisfactory answers to their questions.

2. Originality of Ideas: It should be unique and original, an idea created by you. Mindless lifting of other people’s ideas renders a piece of writing fake and substandard. Originality of ideas not only helps you to avoid plagiarism or copyright infringement, but also gives authenticity to your content.

3. Clarity and Focus: It should discuss a single clear central idea. It should not raise so many issues without zeroing in on a specific idea. By creating content that is clear and focused, you are capable of grabbing the audience’s attention and retaining it.

4. Organization: The entire piece of writing should be organized logically: the ideas being expressed should flow smoothly and “stick” together. To achieve this, it should have a definite structure, such as an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. This will ensure that your content is coherent and conveys a central message that flows naturally from one related idea to the other.

5. Development: The central idea (thesis) of the write-up should have supporting ideas that should be discussed in several paragraphs. The idea of each paragraph should be explained and illustrated with examples and supporting details.

6. Expression: The language used should be accurate and appropriate to the type and purpose of writing: i.e. the appropriate register. In other words, you should use proper words in proper places. You must use concise and clear language

7. Linguistic Correctness: You must adhere to the rules of correctness in grammatical concord, tense, tense, punctuation and capitalization, etc.

8. Political Correctness: It should be free from racial, religious, or gender bias. Any material that smirks of racism, religious fanaticism, or gender bias is not good content for presentation on any platform.

The following eBooks will give you greater insight into this important and lucrative field:

If you want to learn more about content creation, watch the following video lectures:

About the Author

Benjamin Abugu

Benjamin Abugu is a university graduate with a flair for content writing. He is an English teacher with over twelve years experience, a published author of many books (both paperback and eBook editions), a blogger and Youtuber


(Here’s an Audiovisual Lecture on How To Digitize And Monetize Your Skills: https://youtu.be/DDZcHJysu4s)

There is no doubt that we live in a digital age and in an increasingly online-based global economy. Consequently, knowing how to digitize your content is an important skill. You may possess great  ideas and skills, laudable dreams and passion, but none of them can give you the desired financial freedom unless you take two key steps: 1. Turn your ideas into products, and 2. Market and promote your products to other  people.

In an online-based global economy, content writing is an effective tool for monetizing your ideas. As a content writer, there are so many ways in which you can turn your ideas and skills into products, and market them in order to earn money. That’s what this article is about. Let’s get started.

Definition of some Key Terms:
1. Digitizing/Digitization: To digitize means to convert something, such as data or image, to digital form (i.e. electronic or computer-readable form). Thus, digitization is the process of converting information into a digital or computer-readable format. 

2. Digital Products: A digital product is any product that comes in digital form (i.e. electronic or computer-readable form). Examples of digital products are eBooks, audiobooks, audio music, recorded lectures, videos, software, templates, photos, graphics and digital art, documents, courses, web-based applications, and so forth. 

3. Digital Marketing/Marketer: Digital marketing is the type of marketing that uses the internet and online-based digital devices like computers, phones, etc. to promote products and services. Someone who sells digital products is a digital marketer.

4. Monetizing/Monetization: To monetize something is to earn revenue from it. It is to utilize something of value as a source of profit or earnings. Monetizing or monetization is simply the act of utilizing something of value as a source of income or profit. 

There are many ways in which you can start monetizing your content writing skills:

1. Create a Blog: You can create a blog and use it to post your ideas, your thoughts, your analyses, or your stories. A blog is a way to express your thoughts and teachings online. Initially, the blog can be a way to learn new things about your writing skills. As you learn, practice, and remain focused and consistent, you will be able to start monetizing your skills easily. To learn more about blogging, you may want to get a copy of Blogging Basics for Beginners by BrightstareBusiness. 

2. Establish an Online Magazine or News Blog: You can start an online magazine or news blog. Pick a topic for your magazine. Conduct research to find out if there is a market for your idea, and then come up with your magazine title. Starting a magazine or news blog is a very lucrative way to monetize your writing skills. If you don’t have the means to own a website, you can find an online platform where you can start a small blog, to begin with. 

 3. Become an Article Contributor: There are many websites that will publish your articles and pay you according to the number of readers who read them. You can start contributing articles to such sites as a part-time income-earning venture. 

4. Become a Freelance Writer: As a freelance writer, you can have access to many different opportunities: there are many platforms where you can start earning income through writing. You may start it as a hobby, and then build it into a full-time venture. Freelance Writing on the Side by Joshua Slone is perhaps one book you need if you want to discover the secrets of success in freelance writing. 

5. Become an Editor: If you a good writer with sound knowledge of English grammar, you can become an editor and start earning money on various platforms where people require the services of an editor. There are people who are so busy that they have no time to edit their numerous works. You can earn money by reading their books etc., editing/proofreading them, and giving feedback. If you lack full knowledge about editing, you may want to get a book that will help you update your knowledge, such as The Little Book of Editing for Writers by Ravenscourt Press.

6. Create eBooks: Creating eBooks is one of the best ways to monetize your writing skill, especially if you are capable of doing detailed research and writing long texts. There are many online publishing platforms where you can self-publish your works and earn revenue from them. You can even publish and market your own eBooks directly. One of the best online publishing platforms where you can self-publish and earn money is Amazon.com. I have personally published so many books on Amazon and I can tell you it’s quite easy to publish on that platform. If you want to learn more about this, you may want to watch my previous video lesson on How to Make Money on Amazon through Self-Publishing. You can create your own eBooks and start making money through them if you’re able to get the appropriate software, such as the Ultimate eBook Creator.

7. Start Affiliate Marketing: This is a process by which you earn a commission for marketing a company’s products. There are many online platforms that offer opportunities for affiliates to earn money by promoting other people’s products. You simply search for a product you like, then promote the product and earn profit from each sale made through you. With content writing, you can do exceedingly well in promoting various products and services and earning handsome commissions as an affiliate marketer. Such platforms have traceable links to show which sales were made through your affiliate marketing campaigns. You get a link to promote that product on your blog or on social media. If someone clicks on your special link – and buys – you get a commission.  •You can check out various platforms where you can earn money through affiliate marketing, such as Amazon AssociatesFiver Affiliate Program, etc.  •If you’re interested in learning more about affiliate marketing and how it can help you to monetize your content writing skills, you may have to get a copy of Super Affiliate Marketing Strategy.

If you’re interested in an audiovisual explanation of how to digitize and monetize your content and skills, watch the following video lecture: https://youtu.be/DDZcHJysu4s

The following eBooks will give you greater insight into this important and lucrative field:

If you want to learn more about content creation, watch the following video lectures:

About the Author

Benjamin Abugu

Benjamin Abugu is a university graduate with a flair for content writing. He is an English teacher with over twelve years experience, a published author of many books (both paperback and eBook editions), a blogger and Youtuber



(Here’s an Audiovisual Lecture on Content Marketing: How To Make Content Marketing An Effective Tool For Your Business Success:  https://youtu.be/4_IHxULLMCI)

Did you know that content marketing is the best form of marketing today? Did you know that using content marketing as a tool can help your business to multiply the number of visitors to your website, blog or any other online platform? “But what exactly is content marketing?” you may ask. Well, that is the focus of this article. And beyond that, you’ll learn how content marketing can help you to grow your business by multiplying the number of visitors to your online business. Yes, let’s dive into the article and discover that it’s time to make content marketing really work for your business success.


Let’s look at content marketing from a practical perspective. As the name implies, content marketing is simply the use of content for marketing your products or services. By the way, content is anything you create that can provide value to users, such as videos, blog posts, social media posts, downloadable PDF files, and so forth.


The content you provide simply opens the marketing door: people to get to know your business being confronted with any sales ads. Here’s how it works: you offer your readers valuable content consistently, using articles, videos, blogs, eBooks, graphics, or social media posts. They consume your content, and they get interested in your content because of the value it offers them. They then develop trust in you and begin to see you as an authority in that field.


Most people find it difficult to use the content marketing approach in their business because it does not produce the instant results they desire. If you want to succeed with content marketing, you must set a long-term agenda: a time to plant, and a time to reap what you’ve planted!

The majority of individuals and companies who fail at content marketing do so because they approach content marketing with the short-term mentality. They expect to get return on investment at once: and when it doesn’t come within the short period they expect it, they chicken out of it.

To succeed in content marketing, you must realize that even though it takes a long time to produce return on investment, the returns on investment will also keeping coming for a very long time: content will keep producing return on investment long after you’ve stopped spending any time or effort on it.

Let’s look at the example of book publishing! In traditional book publishing, authors or publishers spend a huge amount of money to publish a book and may not realize immediate profit. However, that book will keep producing income even for decades.

Sometimes, even when you think it’s over, then BOOM! A new market opens for the book, and then you begin to reap the returns over and over. I have a novel, the first novel I wrote in 2006; only recently (in 2020) a university approved the book as a reading text for their students. Good content hardly looses value: it keeps yielding passive income long after its creation.


The internet has opened doors of opportunities for everyone to create and distribute content. So, you can create whatever content you want, how you want it, and where you want to present it in order to drive traffic to your business.

By creating content, you can drive traffic to your business even more effectively than advertisements can do. Once people develop interest in your content and trust you as an authority in that field, then the door of sales opens for you. Winning the trust of the audience is one major reason content marketing is the best form of marketing today.

Experience has shown that content marketing is many times cheaper and effective than advertisements. What you need to succeed in content marketing is to keep creating valuable content consistently.


A content marketing strategy is a clear plan of action to market your content. It is a clear plan of action aimed at creating and distributing valuable content consistently to a target audience with a view to converting them into active buying customers.

To make your content marketing strategy work, you need to take some practical steps. 1. Create your brand story:

> figure out what you want to talk about.

> define the problem your business solves.

> outline all the pains your customers have that will make them buy your products and services.

>outline all the questions people ask before they buy your products and services.

* all these will be the focus of your content.

2. Make sure you create the best quality content. In view of the millions of pieces of content created on the internet every day, the only way to make you content attractive is to create the best quality you can create. Your content must provide something unique to the audience.

Make yourself the expert of your subject matter: this will enable you to offer uniqueness and undeniable value. Use credibility stories to demonstrate your expertise: share how you helped someone from point A to point B. By demonstrating your expertise, you create value, and your content will be considered as quality content: quality content is any content that meets a specific customer need or provides a solution a given client’s problem.

3. Include a clear call to action (CTA) at every stage of your content. Examples: Clicking on a link that will take the reader from your FB post to your blog. Filling in their names and email addresses on your blog or website (for your email list).

Your SM and blog posts should contain CTAs that will bring your readers to your email list. Including a CTA in your email that will take your audience a landing page for a product. Provide freebies in exchange for subscription, etc.

4. Promote your content: This can be done on the following platforms: Social media, (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, etc.), Google sites, Paid Ads (Google ads, Facebook ads, etc.), Email marketing campaigns, Groups and forums, Q&A sites, and so forth.

For more information on how to start your content business and start making money online, watch the following video lectures:

The following eBooks will give you further insight into how to start your amazing content business and start making money online:

About the Author

Benjamin Abugu

Benjamin Abugu is a university graduate with a flair for content writing. He is an English teacher with over twelve years experience, a published author of many books (both paperback and eBook editions), a blogger and Youtuber



(An Audiovisual Lecture On The Top 9 High-Flying Digital Skills That Can Make You Rich: https://youtu.be/vgU80vRzYpw)

Whether you’ve already started your own digital business or not, there is no gainsaying that digital skills are vital for you and for everyone in today’s digital world. Digital technologies continue to change the way we do things virtually in all spheres of life. In fact, you can hardly mention any business or industry that doesn’t use digital technologies for their operations today.  Just look around you, and you’ll realize that almost everything we do nowadays requires some level of digital skill. It’s common knowledge that most organizations now prefer hiring people with specific digital skills to people with mere academic qualifications. Above all, the need to start your own online business makes learning digital skills even more compelling.




Today, digital technologies, such as the internet and computers, are making our life easier by simplifying the way things are done, improving efficiency, and increasing productivity. In addition to the internet and computers, digital technologies include social media, mobile phones, software, websites, digital images, digital video, digital audio, electronic books, and so forth.


We live in a digital world where billions of people have gone digital. Businesses, governments, social organizations, families and individuals have gone digital. Most of the things we used to do traditionally are now done digitally, including business transactions and interpersonal relationships and communications. Businesses and workplaces have gone digital, and therefore require basic digital skills for their workers and sales personnel. It has been discovered that jobs that require digital skills offer higher wages and salaries than non-digital middle-skill jobs. Today, people with digital skills are replacing people with mere academic qualifications in many sectors. With the increasing digitization and automation of businesses and processes, new jobs are created whereby people with digital skills are required to replace those without the required digital skills.


  1. CREATING A WEBSITE: Knowing how to build a professional website is a lucrative skill today because a website is your online home where from various parts of the world people can get to know you, and learn about your brand, your products or services.
  2. VIDEO PRODUCTION: This digital skill empowers you to produce video content for the television, the home video or the internet. It’s no doubt a very important and lucrative skill.
  3. FUNNELS: Building a marketing funnel is of crucial importance to the success of every business. With this digital skill, you’ll be able to break down the customer journey from the time they get to know about your business to the time they are willing to buy your product or service.   
  4. DIGITAL MARKETING: This skill enables you to promote and market your products or brand using the internet and electronic devices. As a skilled digital marketer, you’ll be able to use multiple channels and digital technologies to improve your marketing campaigns and maximize sales.
  5. EMAIL MARKETING: This skill enables you to build your email list, and use emails to promote your products or services.
  6. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING: This refers to the use of social media to promote and market your company’s products or services.
  7. SEO/SEM: SEO is Search Engine Optimization, while SEM is Search Engine Marketing. Knowing how both of them work will help you to get the best out of the internet search industry since business transactions on the internet largely depend on the search: people search for the things they want online by typing their keywords. SEO is concerned with organic (unpaid) traffic; SEM is concerned with paid traffic
  8. ANALYTICS: This involves the use of digital tools to analyze and report the performance of your business on a given digital platform.
  9. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Knowing how to use Artificial Intelligence to simplify your business is a key digital skill that can help you to improve efficiency and increase your productivity. In this case, you use a computer or a robot controlled by a computer to perform tasks usually done by humans.   

For more information on how to start your content business and start making money online, watch the following video lectures:


About the Author

Benjamin Abugu

Benjamin Abugu is a university graduate with a flair for content writing. He is an English teacher with over twelve years experience, a published author of many books (both paperback and eBook editions), a blogger and Youtuber


(An Audiovisual Lecture on How To Start Your Own Digital Business And Make It A Huge Success: https://youtu.be/23fc3Zw2XNE).


We live in a digital world where some billions of people are online. In view of the large population of people using the internet right now, you cannot afford to ignore the amazing opportunities available to everyone who seize them by tapping into the digital industry. Whether you want to create a website or a blog, go into videography, e-courses, or social media marketing, you’ll be amazed to find out the vast opportunities readily available to you.

You may have a business that is doing well offline, but taking your business online will even help your existing offline business in so many ways.


  1. VISIBILITY: More people come to know about your business – it’s visible to people in all parts of the world.
  2. MORE EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION: It’s easier to interact with your target audience – thanks to new technologies, apps and social media.
  3. GREATER OUTREACH: Your business can reach out to people from all parts of the world – distance is not a barrier online.
  4. EASE OF DOING BUSINESS: It’s easier to transact business with people from all over the world – transactions now take place at the click of a tiny icon.
  5. COST-EFFECTIVENESS: Doing business online is far cheaper than setting up a business offline – no costs of renting shops, warehouses, etc., transportation to the office or market, etc.
  6. HIGHER CONVERSION RATE: Since more and more people are online nowadays, you can easily find new customers – there are multiple easy channels for advertising your products even free of charge.


Building your online or digital presence is all about finding a place online where people can find you, learn about your products or services, and become your customers. You need to figure out what exactly you want or why you want to be online.

  1.  Register your business in local online directories (e.g. Google My Business) – your business will show up anytime people are looking for similar businesses on search engines.
  2. Use videos and graphics (e.g. YouTube) to attract new customers to your business.
  3. Use social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. to share information about your business.
  4. Establish an e-commerce story – where people can buy your products.
  5. Create a mobile app – through which people can buy your products or services.
  6. Build a website – your online home where people can find all the information about you, your products and services.
  7. Use paid ads to expand your reach and attract more customers.
  8. Use analytics to verify your performance and find ways of improving your business.


This is about using digital marketing to attract people to your online home. As you do this, you must ensure that you focus on your online goals, use analytics to periodically assess and improve your performance, and keep updating your strategies in line with trends in the market and changes in technology.

  2. I. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (SEO) – you can use this to promote your business through organic or unpaid search results.
  3. II. SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING – you can buy ad space on search results page, bid for keywords to display your content in search engines, etc.


A strategy is a plan of action meant to achieve a given objective. Creating an online business strategy will help you to spell out the thing you need to do in order to achieve your goals.

  1. Set your goal – e.g. to increase sales (by driving more traffic and generating more leads).
  2. Define your mission – create your mission statement, e.g. to help people create success by creating valuable content.
  3. Identify your Unique Selling Point (USP) – find out your areas of comparative advantage or what makes your brand unique.
  4. Spell out ways to implement your business strategy:
  5. I. Paid advertising
  6. II. Content marketing
  7. III. Social media marketing
  8. IV. Email marketing
  9. V. Search engine optimization
  10. Customer feedback and customer-centered actions

For more information on how to start your content business and start making money online, watch the following video lectures:

The following eBooks will give you further insight into how to start your amazing content business and start making money online:

About the Author

Benjamin Abugu

Benjamin Abugu is a university graduate with a flair for content writing. He is an English teacher with over twelve years experience, a published author of many books (both paperback and eBook editions), a blogger and Youtuber 


(See a Detailed Audiovisual Lecture on How To Create A YouTube Channel In 7 Easy Steps: https://youtu.be/LPk2TikrZLM).

Creating a YouTube channel has proven to be a lucrative source of income to many people. As the second largest search engine in the world, YouTube is one platform where more and more people want to get on and create a channel of their own. In this video, I’m going to walk you through the step-by-step process of creating your own channel for free.

This lecture is in audiovisual form right now. Click here to watch: https://youtu.be/LPk2TikrZLM

For more information on how to start your content business and start making money online, watch the following video lectures:

The following eBooks will give you further insight into how to start your amazing content business and start making money online:

About the Author

Benjamin Abugu

Benjamin Abugu is a university graduate with a flair for content writing. He is an English teacher with over twelve years of experience, a published author of many books (both paperback and eBook editions), a blogger, and Youtuber.


(See an Audiovisual Lecture on The Easiest Way To Create And Sell Your eBooks On Amazon.com: https://youtu.be/PRwTgUsBJjM).

Did you know you can easily create and sell eBooks online? Yes! In fact, this is one of the easiest ways to start your online business and start earning money right away. 

Whatever is your area of expertise, you can use your knowledge and skills to create eBooks. Once you’re able to do this, there are a lot of people who are eager to learn and are therefore searching online for new ideas and skills.  Everyone has areas of expertise that can help you create eBooks. There are people out there who value your knowledge and want to learn more. You can help them if you start selling eBooks.

In the following audiovisual lecture, I’m going to show you the step-by-step process for creating and selling your eBooks on Amazon: https://youtu.be/PRwTgUsBJjM

For more information on how to start your content business and start making money online, watch the following video lectures:

The following eBooks will give you further insight into how to start your amazing content business and start making money online:

About the Author

Benjamin Abugu

Benjamin Abugu is a university graduate with a flair for content writing. He is an English teacher with over twelve years experience, a published author of many books (both paperback and eBook editions), a blogger and Youtuber


  (Here’s an Audiovisual Lecture on Learn The 8 Pillars Of Content Creation And How They Really Work:  https://youtu.be/pdEIoKn3y7U ). Conte...